No one reads this so i guess there is no point, but you never know, something i have written may get some attention and thus this will get some attention. Maybe i should start updating a lot more, maybe, just maybe i should start having some god damn fucking faith in myself. Thats an interesting concept. Faith. I kinda do have faith in myself, it comes and goes. When i have it i think i am a big headed, self involved twat, but i suppose that is what it is to be a writer, all writers must be up their own arses. When i lack faith... well i am sure you are capable of reading previous posts to realise what that does to me.
Anyway, writing update...
Nowhere Land - Pretty much finished the fourth and final draft. This will be the one that actually gets printed off and read by people. Its a big step, a big fucking step as this has been pretty much a year in the writing.
Nowhere Land started as a project i had spoken to Dan Gitsham about and was called Point Pleasant until some hack who used to work on Buffy nicked the name and made a shit TV show forever tarnishing the name. Nowhere Land has changed some what since that original conception and Gitsham is somewhere in Bath unemployed... should probably contact him...
Laughing Gas - Ahh the novel that this site was named after. Kinda canned it. Gonna become something else something that i can relate too, left it too long you see and now i have no idea what the fuck it is about.
Graphic novel/comic - Kinda got an idea, wanted to something like this ever since i was a kind.
And that is about it.
Check out simonrelf.co.uk and buy his stuff, that is all!
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