Thursday, October 19, 2006

Being Frakkin Sick Sucks Ass

Yep, one of my more interesting titles. But it is what it is yo!

I am ill, and basically that means i can;t concentrate on one thing for too long without spewing. Which is not good. I cn;t fucking write basically and my head, aside from spinning from sickness, is over flowing with episode 2 of Nowhere Land. Which also means Darkness Rising is on the back burner once again. Nowhere Land is kinda more important at the moment.

So episode 2 is not being written but fucking wants to be and i really need to get my arse in gear and get the pilot sent off, but i have no fucking ink for the printer which sucks major balls!!! Need to get ink and then print! It will be done.

Put some pictures on Laughing Gas Two from the olden days of me Dan and the gang. Check it!


CURRENTLY WATCHING: The 4400 3, X Files 6, Alias 1, Brotherhood 1, The Unit 1, Extras 2
CURRENTLY READING: DMZ, Y The Last Man, 52, Eternals, Ultimate Power and POWERS

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Branching Out


Finally caved in and created a myspace page which has bits and pieces about stuff. Mainly an excuse to create something else, although not a lot of creation goes into it, but hey. Anyway, for those that don't care, i will be posting most posts here at the myspace page, but the myspace page is mainly a networking friends contacting page. This will remain my true home.


Episode 102: 'I Am Not A Number'
Jack finds himself assisted by someone he doesn't and sees someone he didn't think he could see in a place he really shouldn't be and discovers that there is no way out of Hope Falls. Jessica confronts her father believing Jack to be dead and decides to leave, just as things go a bit strange for the people of Hope Falls.

I know that is a pretty obscure synopsis, but I am about half way through plotting it at the moment. I feel a lot better about the structure of the show and it may stretch back to its original eight episodes i had in mind to begin with. But you know me, my mind changes... a lot...

Support the myspace, leave messages and what ever.

CURRENT MOOD: Not bad...
CURRENTLY WATCHING: The 4400 2, The Unit, Brotherhood, Alias 1, The X Files 6, South Park Hits
CURRENTLY READING: Civil War, 52, USM, DMZ, Supergirl, Batman

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Document

In the midst of rewriting the pilot to Darkness Rising I come up with another idea for another show. Good thing right? Well sorta... its annoying cos now i wanna run and work on this new idea. Why? Excited about it and DR is proving troublesome. Written five pages of it so far and rewritten it three times, but i have now come up with a new angle for it which i think could be pretty cool.

The Document is my new show title and idea is still kinda loose, but it will be a mystery show. It will be... listen to my pretentious arse talking as if i am a fucking big shot. Im a twat, that is what i am. Anyway, not getting into a bashing, cos i can't be arsed. But this new idea is a mystery show about a guys past and what it means for his future. Vague? Too vague? Tough!

X men 3 = piece of fucking shit!!


CURRENT MOOD: I just wasted 4 quid on renting x3, what do you think!
CURRENTLY LISTENING TO: The new Aim album, fucking cool!!
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Veronica Mars 2, Millennium 1, 4400 3, South Park the hits, and gearing up for The Unit 1 and Brotherhood 1 all starting pretty soon!!!
CURRENTLY READING: 52, Supergirl, Spawn(end of the fucking world dude!), Batman, Civil War 4, Amazing Spiderman, Ultimate Spiderman