Monday, October 02, 2006

The Document

In the midst of rewriting the pilot to Darkness Rising I come up with another idea for another show. Good thing right? Well sorta... its annoying cos now i wanna run and work on this new idea. Why? Excited about it and DR is proving troublesome. Written five pages of it so far and rewritten it three times, but i have now come up with a new angle for it which i think could be pretty cool.

The Document is my new show title and idea is still kinda loose, but it will be a mystery show. It will be... listen to my pretentious arse talking as if i am a fucking big shot. Im a twat, that is what i am. Anyway, not getting into a bashing, cos i can't be arsed. But this new idea is a mystery show about a guys past and what it means for his future. Vague? Too vague? Tough!

X men 3 = piece of fucking shit!!


CURRENT MOOD: I just wasted 4 quid on renting x3, what do you think!
CURRENTLY LISTENING TO: The new Aim album, fucking cool!!
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Veronica Mars 2, Millennium 1, 4400 3, South Park the hits, and gearing up for The Unit 1 and Brotherhood 1 all starting pretty soon!!!
CURRENTLY READING: 52, Supergirl, Spawn(end of the fucking world dude!), Batman, Civil War 4, Amazing Spiderman, Ultimate Spiderman


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